Green Leaf NGO

Air Polution

Clean air is the basic necessity for every human being, animals as well as and plants. But fresh and clean air is the real challenge in todays world. We fight with the all type of pollution and air pollution every day. Air and water pollution spreads dangerous diseases. As per reports of UNEP (United Nation Environment Programme) air pollution causes 1 in 9 deaths and it is the most important environmental health risk of our time.

Air pollution can be categorized as global pollution and local pollution. Burning of fossil fuels like Coal, Petrol and Diesel etc. is majorly responsible for polluting the air. Carbon dioxide (C02) is the main gas emitted during burning of these fossil fuels, which is mainly responsible for the greenhouse gas effect and global warming, along with Sulphur Dioxide (S02), Nitrous Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM2.5) which are known as local pollutants and are responsible for various breathing and health disorders. The air pollution problem becomes complex due to the multiplicity and complexity of air polluting sources (e.g. industries, automobiles, generator sets, domestic fuel burning, road side dust, and construction activities) (MOEF, 2012).

Apart from cities, the air pollution is also affecting the population in rural areas. In 201 5, a comprehensive study led by IIT Bombay, the Health Effects Institute, and the Institute for Health Metrics and evaluation has found that t75% of India’s air pollution-related deaths are rural, primarily due to household burning and coal combustion (Health Effects Institute, 2018). The indoor air pollution is a major source of pollution causing major heart and lung disorders.

Since India is a developing nation with almost of its population in rural areas, there are many avenues where a proper dedicated research and efforts can bring a turnaround in lives of many people across India.